B6 and T3 into CANsmart/ezCAN
As for wiring T3 and B6 together, that would be a better blog post for when we get the DNL.WHS.13400 T3 CANsmart wiring harness in stock. We then can illustrate how to wire B6 and T3 together completely plug and play using our available wiring adapters. For the customers sake, all they need to do is combine the orange wires of the T3 and B6 together, then connect those to the positive wire of the CANsmart Brake circuit. Next combine the black wires of the T3 and B6 together and then connect those to the negative wire of the CANsmart Brake Circuit. They will then be left with two green wires and two red wires. The two green wires are the turn signals which need to either be wired to two separate CANsmart circuits, or tapped to the factory turn signal wires. The red wires can can be ignored and do not need to be connected to anything. The two green wires are the turn signals which need to be wired to two separate CANsmart circuits
*The only way to wire T3s into only one circuit of the CANsmart would involve tapping into your factory turn signal wires. You would power the brake lights of the T3s from the CANsmart and the the turn signals from the factory wiring harness. If the customer does not want to tap the factory turn signal wire then they will need to consume three circuits of the CANsmart. One for brake output, a second for left turn output and a third for right turn output.
Install notes for the T3 Harness > CANsmart;
*Make sure to bump up the fuse rating on the brake circuit in the CANsmart software to 4A from the default 2A